Browsing by Subject CASAD 2004

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
04MCL004.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design of Bridge Substructure and FoundationJoshi, Bhagirath G.
04MCL007.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design of Buried Prestressed Concrete PipesNagaich, Sumita
04MCL020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design of Continuous T-Beam Girder Type SuperstructureWadile, Anil B.
04MCL019.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design Of Multi Cell Box Girder Type Bridge Super StructuresUgale, Tushar V.
04MCL003.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design of Multi-Storeyed Building in Steel Using IS 800 Draft CodeDesai, Hari
04MCL006.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design of Shaft Type Water Towers Using Finite Element Method and Draft Code ProvisionsMishra, Pritesh
04MCL018.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis and Design of Trestle Type Water Tower with Diagonal Bracing using FEM and Draft Code ProvisionsSonar, Priyadarshini V.
04MCL009.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis Of Antenna StructureParikh, Snehal A.
04MCL008.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Chimney Using Artificial Neural NetworkPandya, Pragnesh
03MCL009.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2005Assessment of Strength of Steel Bridge as per IS: 800 - 1984 and Draft CodePatel, Alkesh C.
04MCL016.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design Aids For Is: 800 Draft CodeSawant, Abhay G.
04MCL001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design and Analysis of Compartment SiloBhatt, Rachana V.
04MCL014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Design Of Base Isolation Systems for an R.C.C. BuildingSanghani, Dhaval B.
04MCL017.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Experimental Investigation On Determination Of Bond Strength For Various Types Of Concrete Used at SitesShah, Alay D.
04MCL011.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Finite Element Analysis Of Masonry Structures and Experimental VerificationPatel, Bhavesh D.
04MCL005.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Finite Element Analysis Using Shell Element - Application to Water TanksKalkani, Ketan B.
04MCL013.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Performance Of A RCC Retrofitted BuildingPatil, Mahendra S.
04MCL010.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Retrofitting Of Beam-Column Junction By Gfrp WrapPatel, Bhavesh A.
04MCL002.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Static and Dynamic Analysis of Coupled Shear Wall in Highrise StructureDash, Kirti Sundar