Browsing by Subject CASAD 2009

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
09MCL001.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Analysis And Design of Base Isolated Asymmetric StructureAssudani, Jay J.
09MCL017.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Analysis and Design of u-shaped Prestressed Precast GirderTank, Hitesh S.
09MCL020.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Behaviour of GFRP Wrapped Beams Under Pure TorsionPaghdar, Jatin M.
09MCL008.pdf.jpgMay-2011Comparison of Permanent to Temporary Roof Steel Structure for the Warehouse and Exhibition UnitsPatel, Ashish D.
09MCL007.pdf.jpg25-Jun-2011Corrosion Protection of RC ColumnsPandya, Hardik
09MCL021.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Displacement-based Design of R.C.C. BuildingsThacker, Palak K.
09MCL005.pdf.jpg27-Jun-2011Ductile Design of Moment Resisting Steel FrameJoshi, Tejas M.
09MCL010.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Enhancing Performance of RC Columns Exposed to High TemperaturePatel, Piyush R.
09MCL015.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011High-rise Structural Systems in SteelSaiyed, MohammedSahid S.
09MCL006.pdf.jpg27-Jun-2011Parametric Study on Berthing StructureUtsav, Koshti
09MCL018.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Performance based Seismic Design of R.C.C. BuildingZala, Jigar R.
09MCL014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel StructureParikh, Rushi D.
09MCL003.pdf.jpg27-Jun-2011Seismic Response Control of A Building Using Passive DevicesChachapara, Vijay M.
09MCL009.pdf.jpg29-Jun-2011Simplified method for Analysis and Design of Helical StairsPatel, Narendra K.
09MCL012.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Stability Analysis of Steel Structures Codal Provisions - is:800-2007 and Aisc:360-05Pethani, Mehul V.
09MCL002.pdf.jpg25-Jun-2011Strengthening of RC Beams using Externally bonded GFRP sheetBhatt, Vandit Y.
09MCL013.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2011Study the Behavior of C-shaped Column and at Plate Slab Structural System for Punching Shear Under Gravity LoadsPethani, Nandish R.