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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15BEC089_15BEC104_15BME070.pdf.jpg20182D Robotic PlotterKaushik, Puneet; Shah, Adit; Jain, Mohit
17BEC091.pdf.jpgJun-2020Air Writing with the Help of Gesture Recognition SystemMaheshwari, Sagar
16BEC046_17BEE041_16BME052.pdf.jpg2019Automated Object Vending System for Retail IndustryLakhwani, Ishan; Vora, Keval; Shah, Dhruv
13BEC059_14BEC163.pdf.jpgJan-2017Autonomous RobotMistry, Mehul; Patel, Rushank
15BEC055_15BEC065.pdf.jpg2019Design, Development & Testing of Smart MirrorTibrewala, Krishnam; Mevada, Mitul
15BEC069_15BEC125_15BME062.pdf.jpgApr-2018Digital MicroscopeAyyagari, Modini; Sharma, Vinayak; Saxena, Kshitij
17BEC020_17BEC040_17BEC055.pdf.jpgMar-2021Disguised Detection using Thermal ImagingBohra, Rohan; Jeswani, Aman; Mishra, Rajiv
1-Apr-2024Drivermate: A Vision Improvement System For Safer DrivingDhoka, Tanvi; Selarka, Trushti; Kotecha, Prajay
19BME006.pdf.jpgApr-2023Energy Harvesting in the Form of Electricity by Piezo–CellsNimachwala, Adnan
17BEC103.pdf.jpgMar-2021Friday: Smart HelmetRehan, Shaikh
14BEC057_14BEC028.pdf.jpgApr-2017Human Action Recognition SystemTalukdar, Jonti; Mehta, Bhavana
13BCE098_13BEC077.pdf.jpgDec-2016Indoor Positioning and Navigation SystemAgarwal, Sezal; Singhi, Prachi
15BEC007_15BEC009.pdf.jpgMar-2018Indoor Positioning System Using Beacon TechnologyRaj, Abhishek; Dave, Aditya
16BEC082_16BEC088_16BEC103.pdf.jpgMar-2019Online Attendance Embedded System Using Face RecognitionChandak, Mahesh; Mishra, Saurabh; Garg, Stuti
14BEC043_14BEC048.pdf.jpgApr-2018Prototype of Automatic Railway Gate SystemBuch, Dhyey; Chaudhari, Harsh
15BEC035_15BEC036.pdf.jpg2018Smart Floor Cleaning RobotDudhat, Margie; Bakarania, Dvisha
Mar-2021Smart Street Light Management SystemsTulsiani, Sahil; Shah, Dhruv; Shah, Jainam
15BEC104_15BEC089_16BEC179.pdf.jpgApr-2019Smart SwitchShah, Adit; Kaushik, Puneet; Shrimali, Harshang
17BEC010_17BEC067_17BEC078_17BEC121.pdf.jpgJun-2020A Smart Traffic Light Control System for Cross Road ManagementRaina, Anant; Rakholiya, Abhishek; Patel, Mosam; Upadhyay, Shivanshu
17BEC043_17BEC104_17BEC105.pdf.jpgMar-2021Smarter Surveillance SystemGurnani, Jyotika; Sharma, Devang; Sharma, Himanshu