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ITFEE008-13.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010A 10kv, 100mA DC Power Supply using Zero Voltage Switching with Full Bridge AC-DC ConverterPandya, Jignesh; Jamnani, J. G.
ITFEC030-1.pdf.jpg25-Nov-20092D to 3D ConversionFatania, Bhupendra; Panchal, Dipesh; Mecwan, Akash I.
ITFME020-2.pdf.jpg14-Nov-2008316LSS Metal Part by Low Pressure Metal injection MouldingGhetiya, N. D.; Date, P. P.
360-Degree Feedback Appraisal or Development.pdf.jpgDec-2009360-Degree Feedback Appraisal or Development?Pingle, Sameer S.
ITFME033-6.pdf.jpg6-Dec-20123D Parametric Modeling for Product Variants Using Case Study on Inner Ring of Spherical Roller BearingTrivedi, Ruchik D.; Shah, Dhaval; Patel, Kaushik M.
RKJ_Book Chapter_5S Implementation in Government Health Centres.pdf.jpg15-Jul-20155S Implementation in Government Health CentresJain, Rajesh K.; Samrat, Abhimanyu
DKM_Aanjaya Polymers A Review of Strategies Adopted.pdf.jpg1-Apr-2020Aanjaya Polymers: A Review of Strategies AdoptedMakhija, Diljeet Kaur G.
PKC_Accelerating Human Resource Performance for Sustainable Growth - The Indian Textiles and Clothing Industry.pdf.jpg16-Jul-2015Accelerating Human Resource Performance for Sustainable GrowthChugan, Pawan Kumar; Rawani, Meenakshi
ITFIT014-1.pdf.jpgJan-2011Accuracy Comparison of Various Techniques to Solve Machine Layout ProblemPatel, Jigar N.
NUSAD008-3.pdf.jpgDec-2006Accuracy Evaluation of Cartosat-1 OrthoimagesGhosh, R.; Ahmed, Nadeem; Jayaprasad, P.; Mahtab, Anjum; Agrawal, Ritesh
ITFEE009-7.pdf.jpg18-Dec-2014An Active Interphase Transformer for 12-Pulse Rectifier System to Get the Performance Like 24-Pulse Rectifier SystemAnandpara, Milan; Panchal, Tejas H.; Patel, Vinod
Adaptability Compatibility and Role Perception.pdf.jpgJul-2010Adaptability, Compatibility and Role Perception of Faculty Members in Management InstitutesPingle, Sameer S.; Arora, Sumeet
SSP_Adaptability, Compatibility and Role perception of faculty Members in Management Institutes - A Pilot Study.pdf.jpg22-Jul-2015Adaptability, Compatibility and Role Perception of Faculty Members in Management InstitutesPingle, Sameer; Arora, Sumeet (Ms)
SA_Adaptability, Compatibility and Role Perception of Faculty Members in Management Institutes - A Pilot Study.pdf.jpg22-Jul-2015Adaptability, Compatibility and Role Perception of Faculty Members in Management InstitutesArora, Sumeet (Ms); Pingle, Sameer
ITFCE005-1.pdf.jpgDec-2006An Adaptive and Preemptive Algorithm for Faster Handoffs in WLANUkani, Vijay; Gore, M. M
ITFIC022-1.pdf.jpg5-Jan-2015Adaptive Explicit Model Predictive Controller For coupled Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Least Squares Support Vector MachinesRaninga, Divyesh; Vedi, Kiren; Kirubakaran, V.; Radhakrishnan, T. K.
ITFCE005-8.pdf.jpgMar-2014Adaptive Message Passing in Vehicular Ad-hoc NetworksUkani, Vijay; Bhatia, Jitendra
ITFIC002-5.pdf.jpg10-Sep-2010Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Based Control of Robotic ManipulatorsAdhyaru, D. M.; Patel, Jimit; Gianchandani, Rishi
ITFEE007-4.pdf.jpgAug-2010ADC Static Characterization Using Non-Linear Ramp SignalVora, Santosh C.; Satish, L.
ITFEE007-5.pdf.jpg3-Dec-2010ADC Static Nonlinearity Estimation Using Linearity Property of SinewaveVora, Santosh C.; Satish, L.