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ITFIC022-1.pdf.jpg5-Jan-2015Adaptive Explicit Model Predictive Controller For coupled Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Least Squares Support Vector MachinesRaninga, Divyesh; Vedi, Kiren; Kirubakaran, V.; Radhakrishnan, T. K.
ITFIC002-5.pdf.jpg10-Sep-2010Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Based Control of Robotic ManipulatorsAdhyaru, D. M.; Patel, Jimit; Gianchandani, Rishi
ITFIC021-1.Pdf.jpgFeb-2015Advanced Instrumentation And Automation For Filling and Packaging Of BeveragesGandhi, Foram; Patel, Himanshu; Gohil, Mahavirsinh; Singh, Ravi
ITFIC001-4.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2005Advances in Measurements for Molecular BiologyBhatia, Nikhil; Patel, J. B.
ITFIC003-9.pdf.jpg21-Nov-2007ANN Based Design of a Rapid Battery ChargerPatel, Himanshu K.; Jadeja, Rajendra B.
ITFIC017-3.pdf.jpgJun-2013Application Of Hough Transform And Sub-Pixel Edge Detection In 1-D Barcode ScanningKapadia, Harsh; Patel, Alpesh
ITFIC017-1.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Application of Mean-Shift Algorithm for License Plate LocalizationShah, Kinjal A.; Kapadia, Harsh; Shah, Vipul A.; Shah, Maurya N.
ITFIC003-26.pdf.jpgApr-2015Automatic PID Control Loops Design for Performance Improvement of Cryogenic TurboexpanderJoshi, D. M.; Patel, Himanshu K.; Shah, D. K.
ITFIC002-11.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm: A Derivative Free TechniqueJhankal, Nitin Kuma; Adhyaru, D. M.
ITFIC010-2.pdf.jpg25-May-2008Basics of Cellular NetworkParua, Anjana
ITFIC003-10.pdf.jpg28-Jan-2005BIMOSFET: An Energy Efficient Alternative for MOSFET in Fly Back ConverterPatel, Himanshu K.; Desai, M. D.
ITFIC020-2.pdf.jpg28-Nov-2013Boiler Drum-level Control Using QFTSunil, P. U.; Barve, Jayesh; Nataraj, P. S. V.
ITFIC002-13.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Boiler Efficiency Analysis Using Direct MethodShah, Sunit; Adhyaru, D. M.
ITFIC020-1.pdf.jpg13-Mar-2014Boiler Model and Simulation for Control Design and ValidationSunil, P. U.; Barve, Jayesh; Nataraj, P. S. V.
ITFIC002-10.pdf.jpg2011Bounded Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Network–based HJB SolutionAdhyaru, D. M.; Kar, I. N.; Gopal, M
ITFIC017-2.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2012Camera Based EAN-13 Barcode Verification with Hough Transform and Sub-Pixel Edge DetectionKapadia, Harsh; Shah, Kinjal A.
ITFIC018-2.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Cascade Control System Design and Auto Tuning Using Relay Feedback TechniquePatel, Alpesh; Mehta, Naimesh
ITFIC016-3.pdf.jpgApr-2013Character Recognition Using Neural NetworkSharma, Ankit; Chaudhary, Dipti R.
ITFIC001-12.pdf.jpg2014A CommonKADS Model Framework for Web Based Agricultural Decision Support SystemPatel, J. B.; Bhatt, Chetan
ITFIC008-7.pdf.jpgFeb-2015Comparative Analysis of Different Fractional PID Tuning Methods for the First Order SystemMehta, Sandip; Jain, Megha