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Showing results 1 to 20 of 72  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ST000076.pdf.jpgJun-2020Arabinose and Glucose Dependent Mineral Phosphate Solubilization Phenotype and Its Catabolite Repression in Rhizobial IsolatesJoshi, Ektaben
ST000067.pdf.jpgSep-2019Biochemical and biophysical studies on thermostable and thermoactive enzymes and understanding the molecular determinants of protein thermostabilityParmar, Krupali
ST000067.pdf.jpgSep-2019Biochemical and biophysical studies on thermostable and thermoactive enzymes and understanding the molecular determinants of protein thermostabilityParmar, Krupali
ST000067-1.pdf.jpgSep-2019Biochemical and biophysical studies on thermostable and thermoactive enzymes and understanding the molecular determinants of protein thermostabilityParmar, Krupali
ST000062.pdf.jpgAug-2019Biochemical Basis of Repression of Mineral Phosphate Solubilization (MPS) Phenotype in Rhizobial SpeciesIyer, Bhagya Nagarajan
Thesis_Palak Patel_11FTPHDS014.pdf.jpg2018Biophysical and in silico studies on inhibition of protein aggregation by small moleculesPatel, Palak N
ST000047.pdf.jpgSep-2018Biophysical and in silico studies on inhibition of protein aggregation by small moleculesPatel, Palak N.
ST000029.pdf.jpgMay-2015Carbon Catabolite Repression of Organic Acids in Phosphate Solubilizing Klebsiella SpeciesRajput, Mahendrapal Singh
01_Title.pdf.jpgSep-2019Characterization of Himalayan Glaciers Using Synthetic Aperture Radar DataDas, Sanchayita
ST000064.pdf.jpgSep-2019Characterization of Himalayan Glaciers Using Synthetic Aperture Radar DataDas, Sanchayita
ST000064-1.pdf.jpgSep-2019Characterization of Himalayan Glaciers Using Synthetic Aperture Radar DataDas, Sanchayita
ST000081.pdf.jpgMar-2021Characterizing Protein Protein Interaction Interactions in Malarial ProteasesPasupureddy, Rahul
ST000037.pdf.jpgFeb-2016Compositional variability of Lunar basalts in selected basins using Chandrayaan-1 dataKaur, Prabhjot
ST000033.pdf.jpg2015DegradationStudiesofCardiovascular andNon-steroidalAnti-Inflammatory DrugsandSynthesisofDegradation ProductsAbiramasundari, A.
ST000025.pdf.jpgOct-2014Design, SYnthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel ligands for Adenosine ReceptorsPandya, Dhaivatkumar Harikrishnabhai
ST000073.pdf.jpgFeb-2020Development of Bioprocess for Identification of Pollutant Levels in Industrial WastewaterPatel, Rushika
ST000073-1.pdf.jpgFeb-2020Development of Bioprocess for Identification of Pollutant Levels in Industrial WastewaterPatel, Rushika
ST000073.pdf.jpgFeb-2020Development of Bioprocess for Identification of Pollutant levels in Industrial Wastewater byPatel, Rushika
ST000049.pdf.jpg2018Development of Chimeric IL-15 to augment T-cell response and memoryPatidar, Manoj
ST000049.pdf.jpgAug-2018Development of Chimeric IL-15 to augment T-cell response and memoryPatidar, Manoj