Browsing by Author Bakshi, Sonal

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
IPFP0472.pdf.jpg2022Bamboo Leaf Extract Ameliorates Radiation Induced Genotoxicity: An in Vitro Study of Chromosome Aberration AssayTewari, Shikha; Patel, Mansi; Debnath, Abhipsa VF; Mehta, Priti; Patel, Snehal; Bakshi, Sonal
Sonal _Bakhi.pdf.jpgMar-2014A Digital Image Processing Algorithm for Automation of Human KaryotypingBakshi, Sonal; Chaku, Priya; Shah, Pooja
MoliLieqNPNov2015.pdf.jpgNov-2015DNA binding and dispersion activities of titanium dioxide nanoparticles with UV/vis spectrophotometry, fluorescence spectroscopy and physicochemical analysis at physiological temperaturePatel, Suhani; Patel, Palak; Undre, Sachin B.; Pandya, Shivani R.; Singh, Man; Bakshi, Sonal
BambooPaper2016.pdf.jpgSep-2016Effect of Phyllostachys parvifolia leaf extract on ionizing radiation-induced genetic damage: A preliminary in vitro cytogenetic studyPatel, Mansi; Mehta, Priti; Bakshi, Sonal; Tewari, Shikha
CUGpaperShivani2018April.pdf.jpgApr-2018In vitro DNA binding, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer assessment of amino acid functionalized magnetic nanoparticlesPandya, Shivani R.; Patel, Suhani; Bakshi, Sonal; Singh, Man
Intrauterine growth restriction associated with paternal isodisomy of chromosome 5 a clinical report and literature survey.pdf.jpgSep-2018Intrauterine growth restriction associated with paternal isodisomy of chromosome 5: a clinical report and literature surveyFulesh, Kunwar; Pabst, Rebecca; Bakshi, Sonal
Apoptosis-PARP.pdf.jpgOct-2013Involvement of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in paraptotic cell death of D. discoideumRajawat, Jyotika; Mir, Hina; Alex, Tina; Bakshi, Sonal; Begum, Rasheedunnisa
MTHFR promoter methylationDec2017.pdf.jpg2017MTHFR promoter hypermethylation may lead to congenital heart defects in Down syndromeAsim, Ambreen; Agarwal, Sarita; Panigrahi, Inusha; Saiyed, Nazia; Bakshi, Sonal
77e6281b31bbefce10b02eb3735740453a9a.pdf.jpgJan-2017Recurrent chromosomal translocations: Is proximity a rule?Kunwar, Fulesh; Tandel, Kiran; Bakshi, Sonal
NaziaReproToxico2018April.pdf.jpgApr-2018Young mothers and higher incidence of maternal meiosis-I non-disjunction: Interplay of environmental exposure and geneticalterations during halt phase in trisomy 21Saiyeda, Nazia; Bakshi, Sonal; Muthuswamy, Srinivasan; Agarwal, Sarita