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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Aug-200015th August 2000, Independence Day - Flag Hosting CeremonyInstitute of Management, NU
8-Apr-20061st Convocation - Nirma University of Science and Technology Part - 1Institute of Management, NU
8-Apr-20061st Convocation - Nirma University of Science and Technology Part - 2Institute of Management, NU
28-Jan-201721st Institute Public Lecture [January 10, 2017]Institute of Management, NU
24-Apr-19992nd Annual Convocation - I, April 24, 1999Institute of Management, NU
24-Apr-19992nd Annual Convocation - II, April 24, 1999Institute of Management, NU
6-Jan-20002nd ICOBM, January 3-6, 2000Institute of Management, NU
6-Jan-20002nd ICOBM, January 3-6, 2000Institute of Management, NU
6-Jan-19992nd ICOQM - I, January 3-6, 1999Institute of Management, NU
6-Jan-19992nd ICOQM - II, January 3-6, 1999Institute of Management, NU
6-Jan-19992nd ICOQM Part - III, January 3-6, 1999Institute of Management, NU
19-Aug-19972nd Inaugural Function of PGDM, FT & PTInstitute of Management, NU
19-May-20112nd National Competition for Management Simulation Western Regional Championship, AMA and NIMInstitute of Management, NU
6-Feb-200939th ISTD National Convention on Value Based Management for Organizational ExcellenceInstitute of Management, NU
25-Jul-19983rd Inaugural Function of PGDM, FT & PTInstitute of Management, NU
6-Jan-200146th ILA Conference, January 3-6, 2001Institute of Management, NU
28-Mar-20097th Convocation - Nirma University of Science and Technology (Shri Adi Godrej)Institute of Management, NU
2-Apr-20058th Annual Convocation Part - 1Institute of Management, NU
2-Apr-20058th Annual Convocation Part - 2Institute of Management, NU
18-Sep-20068th MANLIBNET Annual Convention : Technology and Management Trends - Perspectives and Opportunities for Library ProfessionalsInstitute of Management, NU