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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Aug-200915th August 2009, Nirma UniversityInstitute of Pharmacy, NU
PIP0012.pdf.jpg19-Aug-2011AICTE Sponsered National Seminar on Natural Products: Scope and Status by 2020, 19th & 20th August ,2011Institute of Pharmacy, NU
11-Sep-2004AICTE Sponsored Workshop on Environment and Pollution Awareness with particular Reference to Pharmaceutical Industry, 11th September 2004Institute of Pharmacy, NU
27-Aug-2009Anti - Tobacco Awareness Programme At Chharodi Primary School , 27th August 2009Institute of Pharmacy, NU
28-Jan-2011Cancer Charity Walk on 28th January 2011Institute of Pharmacy, NU
24-Sep-2018Continuing Education Programme for Pharmacy Teachers on Teaching Learning Processes and Innovative Pedagogical Tools in Pharmaceutical Sciences 24th September, 2018Institute of Pharmacy, NU
25-Dec-2010Diabetes Awareness Programme on 19th December 2010 at Parimal Garden and on 25th December at Law GardenInstitute of Pharmacy, NU
1-Oct-2015Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2015Institute of Pharmacy, NU
1-Oct-2008Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2008Institute of Pharmacy, NU
1-Oct-2016Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2016Institute of Pharmacy, NU
15-Nov-2017Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2017Institute of Pharmacy, NU
1-Oct-2018Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2018Institute of Pharmacy, NU
Oct-2019Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2019 by Institute of PharmacyInstitute of Pharmacy, NU
Oct-2021Foundation Day, Institute of Pharmacy, October 1, 2021 by Institute of PharmacyInstitute of Pharmacy, NU
2007Ganapath University Principal Dr. M. M. Patel LectureInstitute of Pharmacy, NU
24-Sep-2012ICMR Sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trends in Injectable Drug Delivery System, 24-09-2012Institute of Pharmacy, NU
2012Institute of Pharmacy - Guest lecture 2012Institute of Pharmacy, NU
2006INTAS Meeting for Animal HouseInstitute of Pharmacy, NU
8-Sep-2004Introduction of Post Graduate Courses M. Pharm in Various Specialization and M. Sc. in Biotechnology and Biochemistry,8th September 2004Institute of Pharmacy, NU
IP Prospectus 2011.pdf.jpg2011IP Prospectus 2011Institute of Pharmacy, NU