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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-201713th Foundation Day - 2017, September 6, 2017Institute of Science, NU
6-Sep-201814th Foundation Day - 2017, September 6, 2018Institute of Science, NU
5-Sep-201915th Foundation Day - 2019, September 5, 2019Institute of Science, NU
20091st Alumni Meet, Insitutie of Science - 2009Institute of Science, NU
Denovo 2020-21.pdf.jpg2021DE-NOVO 2020-21: Where Science meets CreativityInstitute of Science, NU
4-Jul-2015Foundation Day, Institute of Science, 2015Institute of Science, NU
4-Sep-2010Foundation Day, September 4, 2010Institute of Science, NU
18-Mar-2010Frontiers in Molecular Biology FMB - 2010: March 18th - 19th, 2010Institute of Science, NU
3-Oct-2010Institute of Science Building PhotographsInstitute of Science, NU
4-Jul-2016MSc. Orientation 2016Institute of Science, NU
9-Sep-2016National Conference Malaria Parasite Biology: Drug Designing and Vaccine DevelopmentInstitute of Science, NU
8-Sep-2013National Conference on Diabetes and its Complication: Search for Prevention and Cure (6 - 7 September,2013)Institute of Science, NU
Oct-2011National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Microbial Interactions and Challenges in Human Health: 11-12th Oct, 2011Institute of Science, NU
Denovo-2010-Contents[2].pdf.jpg2010De novo 2010Institute of Science, NU
Denovo 2014-15.pdf.jpg2015DE - NOVO 2014 -2015: Where Science meets CreativityInstitute of Science, NU
IS_Prospectus_2010.pdf.jpg2010Prospectus 2010Institute of Science, NU
20-Aug-2018Public Lecture under Meghdhanush by Amrut Deshmukh - 20th August, 2018Institute of Science, NU
Recent Advances in Biological Science-RABS-2009.pdf.jpg28-Feb-2009Recent Advances in Biological Science-RABS-2009, February 28, 2009Institute of Science, NU
2009Recent Advances in Biological Sciences - 2009Institute of Science, NU
Mar-2008Recent Advances in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology - 2008Institute of Science, NU