Browsing by Author Kautish, Pradeep

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PKS_Aid-Growth Association and Role of Economic Policies New Evidence from South and Southeast Asian.pdf.jpg4-Mar-2019Aid-Growth Association and Role of Economic Policies: New Evidence from South and Southeast Asian CountriesKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
Prof. Pradeep Kautish_Renewable Energy (2021).pdf.jpg1-Nov-2021Analyzing the impact of export diversification and technological innovation on renewable energy consumption: Evidences from BRICS nationsKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
EM-JCMJ220051 475..487.pdf.jpg25-Jul-2022Antecedents of sustainable fashion apparel purchase behaviorKautish, Pradeep; Khare, Arpita
Prof. Pradeep Kautish-GBR_.pdf.jpg28-Sep-2018Assessing Dynamism of Crude Oil Demand in Middle-Income Countries of South Asia: A Panel Data InvestigationKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
Career beliefs, self-efficacy and VUCA skills_ A study among generation Z female students of tourism and hospitality.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2022Career beliefs, self-efficacy and VUCA skills: a study among generation Z female students of tourism and hospitalityKautish, Pradeep; Hameed, Shaheema
1_updated_39.pdf.jpg24-May-2021Cosmopolitanism, self-identity, online communities and green apparel perceptionKautish, Pradeep; Khare, Arpita
Determinants of pro‐environmental.pdf.jpg7-Jun- 20Determinants of pro‐environmental behavior and environmentally conscious consumer behavior: An empirical investigation from emerging marketKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
tinywow_Diversified imports as catalysts for ecological footprint_27287741.pdf.jpgApr-2023Diversified imports as catalysts for ecological footprint: examining the BRICS experienceKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh; Shahbaz, Muhammad
Prof. Pradeep Kautish -MEQ_May 2021.pdf.jpg9-Mar-2021Do economic endeavors complement sustainability goals in the emerging economies of South and Southeast Asia?Kautish, Pradeep; Sinha, Avik
Do export diversification and stock market development drive carbon.pdf.jpg1-Feb-2022Do export diversification and stock market development drive carbon intensity? The role of renewable energy solutions in top carbon emitter countriesKautish, Pradeep; Zhang, Rui; Sharma, Rajesh; Tan, Zhixiong
Prof. Pradeep Kautish Final JEM (2021).pdf.jpg9-Jul-2021Does energy consumption reinforce environmental pollution? Evidence from emerging Asian economiesKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
Prof. Pradeep Kautish_February 2021_removed.pdf.jpg30-Oct-2020Does financial development reinforce environmental footprints? Evidence from emerging Asian countriesKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
1-Apr-2023Does human capital complement sustainable development goals? Evidence from leading carbon emitter countriesKautish, Pradeep
Does renewable energy consumption reduce ecological footprint_ Evidence from eight developing countries of Asia.pdf.jpg20-Feb-2021Does renewable energy consumption reduce ecological footprint? Evidence from eight developing countries of AsiaKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh; Sinha, Avik
Dynamism.pdf.jpg7-Apr-2019Dynamism between selected macroeconomic determinants and electricity consumption in India An NARDL approachKautish, Pradeep; Sharma, Rajesh
1_updated_Prof. Pradeep Kautish_2021.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2021The effect of assortment and fulfillment on shopping assistance and efficiency: An e-tail servicescape perspectiveKautish, Pradeep; Paul, Justin; Sharma, Rajesh
PK1.pdf.jpg1-Mar-2024Electric vehicles’ choice behaviour: An emerging market scenarioKautish, Pradeep
PKTS.pdf.jpg31-Mar-2024Embracing digital companions: Unveiling customer engagement with anthropomorphic AI service robots in cross-cultural contextKautish, Pradeep; Shah, Tejas R.
KB.pdf.jpg12-Oct-2023Environmental values and sustainability: Mediating role of nature connectedness, and love for nature towards vegan food consumptionKautish, Pradeep
Final Energy Policy (2022)_26323575.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2022Evolving a policy framework discovering the dynamic association between determinants of oil consumption in IndiaKautish, Pradeep