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Title: Application and Functional Characterization of Kollicoat Smartseal 30D as a Solid Dispersion Carrier for Improving Solubility
Authors: Chivate, Amit
Patel, Viral
Sharma, Om Prakash
Garkal, Atul
Mehta, Tejal
Keywords: Biopharmaceutical Classification System Class-II drugs
Smartseal 30D
Melt extrusion
Solid Dispersion
Solubility Enhancement
Spray Drying
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Medknow Publications
Series/Report no.: IPFP0438;
Abstract: bioavailability. Out of many methods available for improving solubility, the solid dispersion by melt extrusion (ME) and spray drying (SP) is scalable and industrially applicable methods. Objective: The main objective of the present study was to explore the application of Kollicoat Smartseal 30D polymer for the solubility enhancement of poorly water-soluble drugs using solid dispersion approach. Materials and Methods: The Biopharmaceutical Classification System Class II drug simvastatin (SIM) was used as a model drug in this study. Solid dispersions of SIM and KollicoatĀ® Smartseal 30D were prepared using two different processes,i.e., ME and spray-drying techniques. Both the techniques ME and SP are scalable and industry applicable. Results: The solid dispersion has been characterized using transmission using Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, powder X-ray diffraction, saturation solubility, and in vitro drug release studies. Discussion and Conclusion: The improved dissolution profile portrayed the solubility enhancement of SIM in solid dispersions form compared to plain SIM. In nutshell, with the current research, a supportive argument was observed to suggest the suitability of Kollicoat Smartseal 30D based solid dispersions for enhancing solubility of poorly soluble drugs.
Description: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics,14(2); Apr-Jun 2020:220
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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