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dc.contributor.authorShah, Viral-
dc.contributor.authorJobanputra, Amee-
dc.contributor.authorSaxena, Bhagawati-
dc.contributor.authorNivsarkar, Manish-
dc.descriptionAAPS PharmSciTech (2021) 22: 118en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present study was designed to develop an efficient, safe, and patient-friendly dosage form, for oral delivery of alfa-choriogonadotropin, used in the treatment of female reproductive infertility. Silica-coated, saturated fatty acid (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC))- engineered, nanolipidic vesicular (NLVs) system was developed for systemic delivery of therapeutic peptide, alfa-choriogonadotropin, through oral route. DPPC-based NLVs were formulated using the technique of thin-film hydration and were coated with silica to form a homogeneous surface silica shell. The formulated silica-coatedNLVs were evaluated for physicochemical and physiologic stability under simulated conditions and were optimized based on physicochemical parameters like particle size, zeta potential, polydispersity index (PDI), entrapment efficiency, and in vitro release profile. Silica-coated, DPPC-based NLVs imparted physicochemical stability to entrapped alfachoriogonadotropin against the biological environment prevailing in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT). In vivo, subchronic animal toxicity studies were performed to assess the safety of the designed dosage form. Results of in vitro characterization and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies of fabricated formulation revealed that the silica-coated, DPPC-based NLV formulation was not only stable in human GIT but was also as efficacious as amarketed parenteral formulation for the systemic delivery of alfa-choriogonadotropin. In vivo toxicity studies revealed that silica-coated NLVs did not alter hematological and serum biochemical parameters. The histopathological studies also depicted no macroscopic changes in major organs; thus, the developed formulationwas proven to be nontoxic and equally efficient as a marketed parenteral formulation for the delivery of alfa-choriogonadotropin with added benefits of possible self-medication, more patient acceptability, and no chances of infection.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Association of Pharmaceutical Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectreproductive infertilityen_US
dc.subjectlipid vesicular systemen_US
dc.subjecttherapeutic peptidesen_US
dc.subjectoral drug deliveryen_US
dc.subjectsilica toxicityen_US
dc.subjectsaturated fatty aciden_US
dc.titleDevelopment and Characterization of Saturated Fatty Acid-Engineered, Silica-Coated Lipid Vesicular System for Effective Oral Delivery of Alfa-Choriogonadotropinen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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