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Title: Stimuli Responsive and Receptor Targeted Iron Oxide Based Nanoplatforms for Multimodal Therapy and Imaging of Cancer: Conjugation Chemistry and Alternative Therapeutic Strategies
Authors: Dhas, Namdev
Kudarha, Ritu
Parikh, Dhaivat
Keywords: Microenvironment-responsive
Conjugation chemistry
Surface functionalization
Toxicity aspects
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Elsevier
Series/Report no.: IPFP0458;
Abstract: Cancer being one of the most precarious and second most fatal diseases evokes opportunities for multimodal delivery platforms which will act synergistically for efficient cancer treatment. Multifunctional iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (IONPs) are being studied for few decades and still attracting increasing attention for several biomedical applications owing to their multifunctional design and intrinsic magnetic properties that provide a multimodal theranostic platform for cancer therapy, monitoring and diagnosis. The review article aims to provide brief information on various surface chemistries involved in modulating IONPs properties to exhibit potential therapy in cancer treatment. The review addresses structural, magnetic, thermal and optical properties of IONPs which aids in the fabrication of efficient multimodal nanoplatform in cancer therapy. The review discussed the pharmacokinetics of IONPs and attributes influencing them. This review inculcates recent advancements in therapies, focused on tumor-microenvironment-responsive and targeted therapy along with their eminent role in cancer diagnosis. The concept of stimuli-responsive including endogenous, exogenous and dual/ multi stimuli-based delivery platform demonstrated significantly enhanced anticancer therapy. Several therapeutic approaches viz. chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hyperthermia, gene therapy, sonodynamic therapy, photothermal, photodynamic-based therapy along with biosensing and several toxicity aspects of IONPs have been addressed in this review for effective cancer treatment.
Description: Journal of Controlled Release 333 (2021) 188–245
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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