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Title: Legalities of prostitution in India: Exploitation or freedom to sexually liberate?
Authors: Trivedi, Krutarth
Keywords: Dissertation
Issue Date: 2-Sep-2021
Publisher: Institute of Law, NU
Series/Report no.: LDR0139;
Abstract: Prostitution is regarded as one of the most ancient occupations and goes back to ancient Babylon. The previous incarnations of the prostitutes were known according to the Indian history as "Devadasis". “Devadasis” unfortunately cannot marry as they have dedicated their life as wives of various Gods in their religious beliefs. This profession has now taken its position in India's towns and countryside. This article concentrates on the social and legal side of a woman's living based on her choice of career. The social element of research focuses on how the choice of career leads to the murder of a woman's character in her everyday life. There are two elements to the research, the first being how economic vulnerability works as an indirect factor pushing women into the occupation, and the other being the economic scope and constraints associated with prostitution.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, IL

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