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dc.contributor.authorDas, Sanchayita-
dc.description.abstractIn the last ten years, remote sensing technologies and remote sensing applications have been experiencing a revolutionary advancement in various areas, including sensor development, software development, and applications. Applications of microwave remote sensing data, using active sensors, to study glaciers have been initially started over polar region to understand the impact of climate change on it. Advancement of radar remote sensing promotes other glaciated regions and natural resource managements which are otherwise restricted to monitor due to atmospheric or solar conditions. The glaciers, extensive body of land ice masses having down slope movement under the impact of gravity, are main fresh water resources by storing around 75% of the fresh water in the form of ice and snow. Regular monitoring of the glaciated regions can deliver a well planned management of this resource. The Himalayan glaciers, largest glaciated region outside the poles, being unique in nature, need more detailed study over their evolution. The glaciers of Himalayan-Karakoram￾Hindukush (H-K-H) region are the main source of perennial rivers of the Asian countries which are highly populated and major agricultural region of the world. The existing scientific researches over the Himalayan glaciers confirm loss of the glacial mass, however the rates of loss vary due to the use of different methodologies. Discrepancies have been generated during different studies using different methodologies. However, it is obvious that the glaciers are losing mass. A regular monitoring of the glaciers is required using an objective method which will be consistent in nature and repeatable over different areas. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), provides data almost independent from solar and atmospheric conditions, is suitable for year-round monitoring of the Himalayan glaciers. A methodology has been developed using dual-polarized backscattering SAR signatures from surface and/or near￾surface of the glaciers. Co-relations of dual-polarized signal from different altitudes of the glaciers defined linear decision rules of the classification algorithm to identify physical zones of the glaciers. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used to segregate the pixels having similar signatures but formed at different altitude ranges. The advantage of using cross-polarized data is the addition of extra information from the volume of the glacial mass. Some important prerequisites for the analysis are SAR image ortho-rectification and calibration, glacier boundary delineation, and the development of sites for collecting SAR backscattering signatures from glaciers along the profile. The study deals with the evolution of glacial snow/ice cover and glacial zones/facies in the Himalayan region under a subtropical humid climate from the ablation to the accumulation season of four years, 2012 - 2015. The ix identification of a Superimposed Ice Zone (SIZ) during the ablation season is among the key results. The identified snowlines and other boundaries of glacial facies are studied on a temporal scale. The highest snowline altitudes are used to identify the Equilibrium Line Altitude of the glaciers which further used to calculate mass balances of the glaciers. The research reveals that SAR data are also important in identifying glacial zones buried under winter snow cover. The results obtained are useful in regard to further glaciological studies of the Himalayan glaciers.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Science, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectScience Thesesen_US
dc.subjectTheses 2019en_US
dc.subjectHimalayan Glaciersen_US
dc.subjectRadar Dataen_US
dc.titleCharacterization of Himalayan Glaciers Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataen_US
Appears in Collections:Theses, IS

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