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Title: Identification of Gene Signatures Responsible for Bone Metastasis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Using Bioinformatic
Authors: Gandhi, Devanshri
Keywords: Biochemistry
Project Report
Project Report 2021
Brest Cancer
Issue Date: May-2021
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00401
Abstract: In breast cancer patients the prime cause of death is metastasis and survival rate is low. To identify the potential key genes, miRNAs and pathways in TNBC and bone metastasis is the sole purpose of this study using microarray expression data. By the use of five publicly available GEO datasets, 346 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) are vigorously involved in TNBC and bone metastasis in which 166 and 180 DEGs were up and down-regulated in TNBC samples of experiments , respectively. Analysis of DEGs disclosed the primary involvement in pathways in cancer (P = 2.70E-10) and further association in Endocrine resistance (P = 1.34E-9) were observed in the KEGG pathway enrichment analysis. In Protein-Protein interaction networks revealed the prominent hub of the proteins: Cyclin-depandant kinase 4 (CDK4; Degree = 102), SMAD family member 4 (SMAD4; Degree =89), Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (MAPK14; Degree =88), Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS; Degree =76). Overall, results suggested the active role of the several genes associated with TNBC and bone metastasis in breast cancer could be the potential biomarkers.
Description: SDR00401
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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