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Title: Safety Evaluation of The Regimen Containing Various Plant Parts
Authors: Goswami, Hemangini
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Issue Date: May-2021
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00699;
Abstract: In the traditional or ayurvedic health care method, herbs are good sources of medicines. However, their inappropriate used can be dangerous and can lead to toxicity. Shilajit is a sticky black-brown color exudate substance found mostly in Himalayan rocks. It helps to treat diabetes, improve heart function, serve as an antioxidant, relieve stress, anxiety, and the ageing process, and improve fertility and libido.Triphala (The combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki) is used to treat a number of bacterial and fungal infections, regulate diabetes, encourage weight loss, lower cholesterol, decrease inflammation, and relieve stress. The safety assessment evidence for shilajit and triphala is available in literature; however, the scientific literature lacks the comprehensive evidence on toxicological studiesofshilajit and triphala combined regimen. The purpose of the current research work was to investigate the acute and sub-acute toxicity of a shilajit and triphala regimen. Limit test was used to determine the dosage of shilajit and triphala.Rats were divided into three categories (n = 12) as per OECD TG 407 guidelines.Shilajit and triphala (500 mg/kg of shilajit and 400 mg/kg of triphala) was provided to treatment and satellite groups, while control groups got an equivalent amount of vehicle. Satellite groups were held for further 14 days after treatment to assess reversibility effect. Animals were observed for toxic symptoms, death, and increases in body weight. The rats were anesthetized and sacrificed on days 15 and 29 to gather blood for hematological and biochemical parameter estimation, as well as internal body organs for weighing and histopathological experiments. Shilajit and triphala have no significant negative effects on body mass, consumption of food& water, erythropoiesis, leucopoiesis, as shown by biochemical and hematological tests, body organ mass, and histological findings. As a result, shilajit and triphala can be deemed healthy for a limited interval, and this research may aid investigators in determining dosages for extended-term sub-chronic studies.
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmacology

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