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Title: Design and Development of Wound Healing Dosage Forms
Authors: Pansara, Chintan
Keywords: Ph.D. thesis
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PTR00099;
Abstract: A wound indicates a discontinuity in the epithelial integrity of the skin along with structural and functional disruption of the underlying normal tissue. The present study focused on formulation of chitosan stabilized silver nanoparticles (CH-AgNP) which were further incorporated in a chitosan-based (CH-AgNP-CHF) film for wound healing. Dual advantages of chitosan as a wound-healing agent in addition to the antimicrobial property of CH-AgNP nanoparticles was explored. The optimized CH-AgNP-CHF had tensile strength 1.39 ± 0.009 N/mm2, % Elongation 33.33 ± 1.634, 76.66 ± 0.584 % degree of swelling, WVTR of 2024.43 ± 32.78 gm.m-2 day-1 and 1144.57 ± 13.45 gm.m-2 day-1 after 24 h and after 21 days respectively. The CH-AgNP-CHF reported highest % inhibition of 62.22 ± 0.91 against Escherichia coli as compared to chitosan solution, chitosan film and CH-AgNP solution. CH-AgNP based gel based formulation was made using 2.5% w/v chitosan gel and 10 ml CH-AgNP solution. Based on the comparative evaluation of CH-AgNP based film and CH-AgNP based gel with marketed MSN-G gel and sterile gauze, it was concluded that CH-AgNP-CHF film showed better wound healing compared to CH-AgNP gel and other wound healing products. Controlled release behaviour of CH-AgNP was evident from the optimized film. The optimized CH-AgNP-CHF film showed the highest % inhibition against E. coli as per the in-vitro antimicrobial study, higher WCR and faster wound healing compared to the MSN-G and blank chitosan film during the in-vivo animal study. Thus, it can be concluded that the CH-AgNP based film is a better alternative as wound healing dosage form.
Appears in Collections:Ph.D. Research Reports

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