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Title: Design and Implementation of Three-phase Multifunctional Grid Connected Inverter
Keywords: Electrical 2019
Project Report 2019
Electrical Project Report
EPS 2019
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 19MEEE03;
Abstract: This project looks at next-generation photovoltaic (PV) technologies, in which distributed power generation (DPG) makes the grid more regionalize and insecure. In any case, PV systems must be more controllable, as well as more efficient and reliable. To maximize the use of solar PV resources, ancillary and intelligent services such as reactive power compensation, fault ride-through and constant active power generation are needed. Such features in future PV inverters may help to lower energy costs and thus allow more cost-effective PV installations. A versatile control strategy is developed to incorporate the advanced features, which can be set up in the PV inverter and switched between during day and night service. Multi Functionality such as PV to grid integration at unity power factor(active power injection, PV to grid integration with active and reactive power control, PV as STATCOM (reactive power compensation), and PV as a shunt active power filter is being developed using a current control loop in which dc link is maintained by a dc to dc boost converter. Perturb and observe method is used for MPPT. Case studies have been used to validate the proposal’s efficacy and flexibility in realizing advanced features using the Simulink MATLAB tool.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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