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Title: Benchmarking of State Thermal Power Plant
Keywords: Electrical 2019
Project Report 2019
Electrical Project Report
EPS 2019
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 19MEEE04;
Abstract: First demonstration of electric light on 24th July 1879 in India to become the world third largest producer and third largest consumer of electricity, The Thermal Power Plant share for 61.5% of installed Generation capacity. In this paper an two stage analysis model is employed to analysis efficiency of state owned coal thermal power plant, Firstly efficiency of the Coal thermal power plant was evaluated for the FY2017-18 using the application of Data envelopment analysis (dea-ccr) model. Dea model is used to calculate the overall efficiency and to find the input slack. Slack analysis is carried out to discover area of improvement. Deap 2.1 was used as a tool for carrying the dea analysis, further Tobit regression was carried to examine the effect of some factors on efficiency of the thermal power plant, stata was used to apply tobit regression. The result shows that's the small thermal plant are least efficient one. The effect of the coal quality comes more then expected. The Governmental policy has a great impact on the performance of the thermal power plant. Some suggestions are also mentioned in the paper.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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