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Title: Implementation of Soft Computing Technique for Optimizing Power Flow in a Power System
Keywords: Electrical 2019
Project Report 2019
Electrical Project Report
EPS 2019
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 19MEEE07;
Abstract: This report presents Quasi oppositional Backtrack search algorithm (QOBSA) for optimal setting of OPF control variables. The traditional method may stuck in local optima point when there is non-convex or non- deterministic equation. Those techniques either approximate or relax the parameter. Rather than that QOBSA is stochastic algorithm which gives committed and robust result compared to traditional methods. This method is derivative free optimization technique for solving OPF problem and it cans relives the assumption provides on the optimization objective function. This technique has been implemented to test it control parameter on the IEEE-30 Bus with single and multi objectives function like minimization of FC, minimization of TVD, voltage stability enhancement, emission reduction and multi fuel cost minimization. This result gives better voltage profile at every bus with help of L-index. Which is greatly reducing burden on PQ bus. This report has promising and have good result compared to other literature shows. This result provides the effectiveness and robustness from the given approach. QOBSA code developed in MATLAB and tested with help of IEEE-30 BUS and their results have been compared with ongoing literature.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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