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Title: A Novel Dual Battery Charging System for Electric Vehicle Applications
Keywords: Electrical 2019
Project Report 2019
Electrical Project Report
EPS 2019
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 19MEEE09;
Abstract: As in EV’s conventional systems are equipped with single battery which sustains approximately 200km while travelling then we have to charge the battery which will take time in this project it is demonstrated the dual battery system in which when one battery discharged while travelling the other one will come in operation which is already fully charged. And the discharged battery will go into charging state for that have developed the five level three phase inverter which converts 3-phase output voltage from single 12 V Battery and then this 12 V will boost unto 24 V by closed loop boost DC/DC converter which is taken as input of inverter and other battery will be charged from capacitor balancing circuit which will also give 12 V as input to battery and charges it and then using analog circuits have developed model which will interchange battery according to SOC levels. Another approach is charging battery using regenerative braking of induction motor. The 300 V batteries connected to same multilevel inverter and induction motor as load. During motoring mode, the battery-1 will discharge and battery-2 will charge through capacitor voltage balancing circuit and during regenerative mode also battery-2 will charge.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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