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Title: Analysis and Optimal Design of High Efficiency Asymmetrical Half-bridge Flyback Converter
Keywords: Electrical 2019
Project Report 2019
Electrical Project Report
EPS 2019
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 19MEEE12;
Abstract: As technology advances in the field of power electronics, main criteria to be observed is efficiency of the equipment and in space sector efficiency plays vital role to decide the size of satellite. Majorly for role of converter in the space application we choose flyback converter because of its compact size and high efficiency margin as compare to other DC-DC converters. Forward converter topology has higher losses when working at low power rating so for uni-directional converter we choose flyback converter with snubber embedded circuit. In this literature three topology of flyback converter namely conventional flyback converter, Active clamp flyback converter (ACF) and Asymmetrical half-bridge flyback converter (AHB) analysed and based upon analysis with respect to open loop and closed loop circuit results derived. Due to snubber path in both ACF and AHB typologies efficiency is higher compared to conventional flyback converter, which helps to reduce the size of components of the converter and that will lead to small area usage in payload. Also as the efficiency is higher the thermal footprint of the converter reduces that will lead to less burden on the heat dissipation system. In this literature we observe the result on single output system which will be extend to multi output converter as per the SAC, Indian Space Research Organization required loading level. In this literature we realize single output system as well as multi-output system for validation of the calculated results as well as those shown in the previous literature. Also, less availability of the components compatible to work in space is a factor which reduces design flexibility
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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