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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Pratik Rameshbhai-
dc.description.abstractThe current study deals with measurement of flow velocities and observing the flow pattern inside an open jet wind tunnel. Also the pressure has been measured along the contour of Savonius rotor. Savonius turbine is a vertical axis wind turbine which can be used for small-scale stand-alone power generation or water pumping.Thorough literature review of Savonious rotor is done.Measurement of velocity of air flow of open jet wind tunnel (equipped with plenum chamber and flow capturing device) atthree different plane has been done.The measurements are carried out with reference to the center of the duct and readings have been taken in Horizontal and vertical directions both perpendicular to the wind flow direction. Plane 1 is near the flow entrance in the test section, plane 2 is the center of test section where rotor is placed and plane 3 is outlet of test section. At each plane velocity was measured in both the directions at two different velocities of 9 and 5 m/s. The open jet wind tunnel facility is already available in department. Savonious rotor (D=0.34m,H=0.24m) has been mounted in test section. To measure the pressure along the contour of savonious rotor 11 holes were made throughout the semi circular blades of rotor. The static pressure on concave and convex side of rotor blades was done with the help of FLUKE DIGITAL MANOMETER at different rotor angles (after rotation of 10° degrees measure of 0° to 360°). The graph of pressure variation along with the rotor angles has been studied.It is observed that the flow becomes streamline throughout the open jet test section because of use of plenum chamber and flow capturing device. Also the pressure was found maximum at advancing blade between 110-150 degrees. The pressure pattern measured, closely resembles to earlier studies done regarding same.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectMechanical 2019en_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2019en_US
dc.subjectMechanical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectThermal 2019en_US
dc.titlePressure Measurment Along the Savonious Rotor Equipped With Power Control Deviceen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Thermal)

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