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Title: Coupled Field Finite Element Analysis of Induction Heating Using Ansys
Authors: Shekhawat, Anand Singh
Keywords: Mechanical 2004
Project Report 2004
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2004
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2006
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 04MME014
Abstract: This dissertation illustrates the application of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software for analysis of induction heating process. In this dissertation Finite Element Simulation (FES) for the induction heating process has been carried out to forecast and understand the effect of heat generation rate on the temperature dependent characteristics of the component (material). Hence, 3-Dimensional model of the inductor is created using ANSYS with electromagnetic coils, crucible, supporting structures, plates, rods etc. This may reduce drastically the cost and time spent in the designing of high-volume induction heat treating processes. With the help of heat transfer process analysis, coupled transient thermal and electromagnetic analysis, the dynamic heat generation due to electromagnetic induction onto the billet, effect of change in temperature and phase on to the electromagnetic induction process, and the effect on the structures surrounding the crucible will be estimated which can be useful in determining the temperature rise in the structures. Direct analysis of Induction heating process with coupled effects can lead to optimization in voltage/current ratings, power supplies, load matching and to a single liquid phase (homogenous) output. Losses in the furnace and supporting structures can also be precisely calculated.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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