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Title: Customer Acquisition and Marketing for FyndHere Services Pvt. Ltd.
Other Titles: Fyndhere Service Pvt. Ltd. []
Authors: Patel, Aakash
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA
MBA – FT (2020-2022)
Summer Project Report 2021
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2021
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 201201;
Abstract: Fyndhere is a product of Fyndhere services Private Limited, which was founded with the intention of minimizing the efforts of individuals who are having difficulty identifying their product or service in their local market. Through their technological platform, they enable small businesses to thrive by registering their establishments online and obtaining more consumer leads. Without leaving your house, you may use Fyndhere to find out where your desired item or service is accessible from your local merchants, as well as the pricing and availability. Fyndhere is a one-stop resource app for all of your requirements. Due to global pandemic COVID 19 and lockdown in various places the business was disrupted on a large scale, as people were not able to travel outside their home for shopping, many local businesses were getting effected as they did not have an online presence. Therefore, to tackle this Fyndhere came up with a unique idea which bridged the gap between the vendors and the customers through the application. Free accounts as well as premium accounts were created on the application which helped the vendors to take advantage of the premium features of the application. It made life of a customer easy as they can shop from there home while having the privilege of bargaining. I interned with Fyndhere for two months, in those two months I undertook various roles and responsibilities like sales and marketing, digital marketing, research, branding etc. I did tele calling, email marketing in sales and marketing and called over 2000 vendors and converted over 200. I created backlinks for the organisation which helped them in enhancing their online presence and helped in search engine optimisation. I have also worked in division of Corporate social Responsibility. I also helped in research and branding which helped the application in upgradation of features of the application and necessary changes according to customers.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Aditya Sharma
Appears in Collections:MBA - Summer Internship Report

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