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Title: AMUL
Other Titles: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) – AMUL
Authors: Singh, Karanvir
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA
MBA – FT (2020-2022)
Summer Project Report 2021
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2021
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 201321;
Abstract: Amul is a FMCG company which produces and supplies various dairy products across the nation, the company’s USP is its quality and prices. During my internship I worked on making Go-to-market strategy for amul mithai range in the TRI-CITY, Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula. During the project I visited the local market of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula where I studied about the packed mithai products available with the local retailers and also studied there response of launching amul mithai range. I had studied amul mithai range in detail and identified the pros and cons of the amul mithai range. From developing the marketing strategy of amul mithai range to suggesting changes and new innovative ideas for amul mithai range. The another project was calling and integrating amul cart app with the retailers across Ahmedabad and helping to process smoothness in the process of amul cart app. The another project which was assigned by the company was taking up enquires of amul preffer outlets, where we explained all the components and process of amul preferd outlets which enhanced communication, problem solving skills.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Prabhat Kumar Yadav
Appears in Collections:MBA - Summer Internship Report

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