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Title: Market Research, Analysis & Business Development by Using Integrated Marketing Strategies
Other Titles: Carver Aviation Academy
Authors: Vijayan, Pravitha
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA
MBA – FT (2020-2022)
Summer Project Report 2021
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2021
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 201335;
Abstract: The report comprises of the timeline of marketing and sales done during Internship headed by Mrs. Swati Chaudhary the head of Marketing of Carver Aviation Academy. The company stands where it does because of the strategies and campaigns it popularized throughout its journey of 25 years. The organization gives its interns a unique opportunity to grow and develop their skill across multiple domains and projects. Daily meetings, and feedback sessions are conducted online with Mrs. Swati Chaudhary herself even amidst the pandemic for the interns to stay updated and perform higher and better. Two months into the internship I have contributed in marketing research, content creation and digital marketing across various platform including Instagram and LinkedIn and also in sales pitching. These domains also stay my core for the rest of the tenure until another project comes my way. This Internship gives me an opportunity to understand how a business organization works and also develop my skills in digital marketing and sales pitching.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Balakrishnan Unny R
Appears in Collections:MBA - Summer Internship Report

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