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dc.contributor.authorKashyap, Deeptanshu K.-
dc.descriptionSubmitted to: Prof. Meeta Munshien_US
dc.description.abstractCOVID-19 is the largest pandemic outbreak since the Spanish flu more than a century age. This pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, from microscopic levels to macroscopic levels. One such effect is the severe impact of the novel coronavirus on the economy and the financial markets. This research project is to study the impact of the pandemic on the Indian economy and study how COVID-19 statistics effect the economy in financial terms. The purpose of this study was to compare stock price returns in the time period leading up to the COVID-19 induced lockdowns and COVID-19 periods. For the scope of this research, we have limited our study to three sectors vis-à-vis Automobile, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) & Pharmaceutical Sectors. In these sectors the top 5 companies on the basis of market capitalization are taken. Daily data of COVID-19 is taken from John Hopkins University, Coronavirus Resource Centre. The financial datasets have been taken from National Stock Exchange (NSE). We have analyzed stock prices return data & attempted to fit statistical distributions like Cauchy, Logistic & Normal Distributions. We found that in most of the cases a Cauchy model seems to be best fits the data.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipInstitute of Management, NUen_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Management, NUen_US
dc.subjectSummer Internship Projecten_US
dc.subjectSummer Projecten_US
dc.subjectInternship Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectMBA Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectDissertation, IMen_US
dc.subjectDissertation, MBAen_US
dc.subjectMBA – FT (2020-2022)en_US
dc.subjectSummer Project Report 2021en_US
dc.titleQualitative & Quantitative Analysis on The Impact of COVID-19 in Some Major Industrial Sectors in Indiaen_US
Appears in Collections:MBA - Summer Internship Report

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