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Title: Calixarene and their Biomimetic Application
Authors: Agrawal, Y. K.
Keywords: Calixarene
Biomimetic Application
Biomimetic Catalysts
Facuty Paper
Faculty Paper, Pharmacy
Pharmacy, Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Bioinorgic Chemistry Application
Abstract: The synthetic models for the structures, spectroscopic properties and catalytic activities of metalloprotein active sites have been reviewed. Calixarenes were used as new biomimetic catalysts because of their advantage of providing preorganiiation of the catalytic group, which can bind the substrate dynamically that results in fast turnover and fast release of the products. Functional and structural models based on calixarenes are presented and in addition importance of molecular recognition and non-covalent interactions e.g.hydrogen bonding and their role in biological systems are discussed with the help of synthetic systems.
Description: Bioinorgic Chemistry ApplicationĀ ,2 (3-4), 2004, Page No. 237-274
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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