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Title: HR Analytics and Dashboard
Other Titles: Bajaj Finance Ltd. - AF
Authors: Sacheti, Apoorva
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA-HRM Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA-HRM
MBA – HRM (2020-2022)
Summer Project Report 2021
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2021
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 208105;
Abstract: Bajaj Finance Ltd. –Auto Finance is a large scale NBFC which was established in 1987 with a view to provide easy finance to the customer to encourage the sale of Bajaj vehicles. During these two months, I was working on developing a real time basis data sheet for the talent management exercise going on in the organization. I got to understand how the technical, data keeping and backend work is done in the field of HR. The report also highlights the tasks performed by me during this internship period i.e., learning about talent management exercise, sorting and mining the data files in excel, analyzing the data, making dashboards and recruitment. During this internship, I developed my excel skills and my fear of technology is slowly diminishing. The learnings show the output of the project and the knowledge gained from it. It also shows the insights that I have gained from these two months. It also shows how this internship has molded me as a student on her way to professionalism.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Chetan Jhaveri
Appears in Collections:MBA-HRM - Summer Internship Report

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