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Title: Talent Acquisition & Employee Engagement
Other Titles: IIFL Finance Limited
Authors: Goel, Manvi
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA-HRM Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA-HRM
MBA – HRM (2020-2022)
Summer Project Report 2021
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2021
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 208116;
Abstract: This report contains project on the title, "Talent Acquisition and Employee Engagement”, which is based on the experiential learning. This report contains compact information of the company by practical exposure and various past data of the company. I have tried my level best to collect the information. All the required relevant information has been obtained from the company’s website. The report is made on the basis of the experience, observation and discussion with executives of the company and other employees. This exercise has helped me to sharpen man skill. In this time of my summer project, I have learned many things, like how to behave as an employee in the organization, how to deal with supervisors, how to get work done. In an organization each small thing is important. I feel nice that I got a chance to work with the organization. In the following pages, I have made my sincere efforts to maintain the knowledge I have gained during my internship period and while project work preparation. I successfully finished all of the given tasks and turned them over to the senior supervisors at the end of the internship. Every day brought new difficulties, which I greatly appreciated. During my internship, I was also able to make some modest improvisations that left an impression. These things I've learnt will help tremendously in my future pursuits as well.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Nina Muncherji
Appears in Collections:MBA-HRM - Summer Internship Report

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