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Title: Talent Acquisition and Salesforce Management
Other Titles: FyndHere Services Private Limited
Authors: Jhaveri, Nupur
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA-HRM Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA-HRM
MBA – HRM (2020-2022)
Summer Project Report 2021
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2021
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 208121;
Abstract: The summer internship programme is an important opportunity to gain corporate exposure and learn how to work in the corporate sector. Working with Fyndhere Services Pvt Ltd has provided me with this possibility. However, because to the present pandemic, I was instructed to work from home. It opened up a whole new way of learning and comprehending information. Working with companies like these allows us to apply basics and concepts gained in the classroom to the real world. Various concepts were used, and I was able to understand their relevance in the real world. Fyndhere Services Pvt Ltd is in retail trading industry founded on 18th of July 2020. Working in a new start-up company gives exposure to the basics of system and brand building. The two months that I worked with the organisation gave me exposure to various verticals of human resource management i.e., recruitment and selection, onboarding, training and development, and performance management. The tasks performed by me were in the vertical of talent acquisition and salesforce management. I had to recruit interns of different domains as per the need of the organisation. Managing sales team was very crucial as they were the ones who were working on building client base of the organisation and generating revenue. A set schedule was followed everyday abided by the deadlines. By performing various tasks, I got to know the dependency of various functions and its inter-relations. This internship has enhanced my various skills like leadership, decision making, team work, domain knowledge and so on. The report talks about all the tasks that were performed by me during my internship period and how it has moulded me from student to a professional.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Praneti Shah
Appears in Collections:MBA-HRM - Summer Internship Report

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