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Title: Financial Projection for Start-up in India
Other Titles: Mocxa Health Private Limited
Authors: Bansal, Riya
Keywords: Summer Internship Project
Summer Project
Internship Project Report
MBA-FB&E Project Report
Dissertation, IM
Dissertation, MBA-FB&E
MBA – FB&E (2019-2021)
Summer Project Report 2020
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2020
Publisher: Institute of Management, NU
Series/Report no.: 194144;
Abstract: This report reflects the work experience gained from the Work from home summer internship that started in the month of May at Mocxa Health Private Limited. It is a Medical device company which provides a device for treatment of epilepsy seizure patients. The Medical device industry has become very dynamic in terms of number of competitors entering the industry as well as services offered by the industry. Mocxa was launched in 2017 with a single objective of creating a solution tailored to meet the needs of doctors, technicians, and hospital staff when it comes to the diagnosis of seizures and epilepsy. The main aim of Mocxa help the detection and treatment of the nervous disorder. Mocxa has also focused on Accurate, Automated, Affordable and Accessible in providing services. Their success to provide diagnosis to all epilepsy patients. They are respected by their clients and the industry for their unique business model. The project focuses on overall understanding to create a Business Plan and Financial Projection which helps an Entrepreneur to make assumptions and so later they can spend more time on their product. The major task performed by me during the period of internship to create a Financial Model for a 5-year projection and Study and compare the ease of doing business for MedTech start-up in India vs. any other country. The experience provided valuable professional as well as personal learnings to help in future career endeavors.
Description: Submitted to: Prof. Mayank Bhatia
Appears in Collections:MBA-FB&E - Summer Internship Report

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