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Title: SSEER: Segmented sectors in energy-efficient routing for wireless sensor network
Authors: Gupta, Sumit Kumar
Kumar, Sachin
Tyagi, Sudhanshu
Tanwar, Sudeep
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Nowadays, wireless sensor network (WSN) is an essential segment in the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Essentially, WSN provides access to location, latest information of different objects of the environment, computing and communication for IoT monitoring. Considering distance as a critical factor, the communication process is energy healing as compared to computing; due to this, energy is found as one of the major constraints for WSN. As per the application, sensor devices may have either limited or unlimited power backup. Hence, they must connect directly from the power supply or battery, which needs energy-efficiency to sustain in the network. In this paper, we propose a segmented sector network that can work efficiently to increase the lifetime of the network. Heterogeneity parameters for sensor nodes are used, normal nodes transmit the information using direct diffusion & advanced nodes participate in the clustering process. With such integration of direct diffusion and clustering, the network lifetime and stability increase significantly by sectoring the network field. Simulation results of the proposed scheme show significant improvement in the energy efficiency by 11% and stability by 19% compared to the Z-SEP protocol.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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