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Title: Profiled Horn Antenna with Wideband Capability Targeting Sub-THz Applications
Authors: Gupta, Jay
Pujara, Dhaval
Jorge, Teniente
Keywords: electro erosion
Hermite polynomial
profiled smooth circular waveguide horn
plasma diagnostics; spline profile
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: This paper proposes a wideband profiled horn antenna designed using the piecewise biarc Hermite polynomial interpolation and validated experimentally at 55 GHz. The proposed design proves S11 and directivity better than −22 dB and 25.5 dB across the entire band and only needs 3 node points if compared with the well-known spline profiled horn antenna. Our design makes use of an increasing radius and hence does not present non-accessible regions from the aperture, allowing its fabrication with electro erosion techniques especially suitable for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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