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dc.contributor.authorSaiyad, Mamta-
dc.contributor.authorDevashrayee, Niranjan-
dc.description.abstractThe extensive application of polymer composites in the ionizing radiation conditions leads to durability issues where performance for a long run under the radiation environment is related. For the products, such as space applications; it is expected to have about 20 to 30 years of durability. In the case of polymer composites, the reactive intermediates like free radicals present in the polymers are capable of initiating chemical reactions resulting in scission and cross-linking on irradiation. It may result in the failure of material under the application. In the current work, polymer composites are developed to withstand such chemical reactions prepared by using different fillers and stabilizers and carried out decomposition studies to predict the stability of developed materials under ionizing radiation conditions. The lifetime is estimated by studying decomposition kinetics. The lifetime estimated for all developed samples is found around 20 to 45 years at 50 °C which is desired for a device under the nuclear environment.en_US
dc.publisherScience Direct/Elsevieren_US
dc.subjectLifetime estimationen_US
dc.subjectEpoxy compositesen_US
dc.subjectGamma radiationen_US
dc.subjectDecomposition kineticsen_US
dc.subjectThermogravimetric analysisen_US
dc.titleLifetime estimation of epoxy based composite materials on irradiating with gamma radiation for shielding applicationsen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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