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Title: A user opinion survey on the probable impact of COVID-19 on long-distance travel in India
Authors: Kamplimath, Hemanth
Sheth Shivam, Shivam
Goenka, Shubh
Keywords: COVID-19
long-distance travel
travel frequency
travel behavior
mode choice
user preference studies
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstract: The transportation sector has been severely crippled by the COVID-19 crisis in India. Due to the strict enforcement of a nation-wide lockdown, the operators of long-distance transport in India by road, rail, and air have suffered leading to loss of jobs and pay cuts. As the year 2020 reaches an end, the severity of the pandemic began to subside and the common modes of long-distance travel such as trains, flights, buses, and taxis are now operational up to some extent. However, people are exercising caution while traveling amidst the pandemic, especially long-distance travel. This study aims to understand the mind-set and behavior of individuals traveling long-distances amidst the pandemic, also referred to as the ‘New Normal.’ Hence, a user opinion survey was conducted to comprehend the probable impact of COVID-19 on long-distance travel in India. The results revealed a significant change in the respondents’ travel behavior and frequency of travel. The travel by air and own car are being preferred over other modes of transport. ‘Comfort and Hygiene’ is now the most important factor that affects the mode choice of travel followed by the cost and travel time.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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