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Title: Application Domains, Evaluation Data Sets, and Research Challenges of IoT: A Systematic Review
Authors: Lohiya, Ritika
Thakkar, Ankit
Keywords: Challenges
future research directions
Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT applications
IoT data sets
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IEEE
Abstract: We are at the brink of Internet of Things (IoT) era where smart devices and other wireless devices are redesigning our environment to make it more correlative, flexible, and communicative. IoT is now evolving to Internet of Everything, as it incorporates and builds a system that includes wireless networks, sensors, cloud servers, analytics, smart devices, and advanced technologies. The IoT systems are equipped with embedded devices having network connectivity and sensors to have a machine-to-machine interaction. The field of IoT is advancing to provide smart solutions to various applications, such as transportation, healthcare, farming, to name a few. Considering the diverse perspective of IoT systems/network, this article aims at discussing different applications of IoT across various research domains and to highlight the use of IoT in a variety of applications. We have systematically reviewed applications of IoT with the data sets to understand the characteristics of the data collected by the IoT devices. In this article, a comprehensive survey on the role of IoT in various application domains is presented for the years 2015-2019. This article lists different commercialized solutions developed in various IoT application domains. The aim to discuss commercialized IoT paradigms is to highlight research efforts performed in the field of IoT that have been transformed into real-life solutions. This article also discusses research challenges in the field of IoT to strengthen the research for developing future IoT applications.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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