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Title: Fusion in stock market prediction: A decade survey on the necessity, recent developments, and potential future directions
Authors: Thakkar, Ankit
Chaudhari, Kinjal
Keywords: Stock market prediction
Information fusion
Feature fusion
Model fusion
Machine learning
Deep learning
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Science Direct/Elsevier
Abstract: Investment in a financial market is aimed at getting higher benefits; this complex market is influenced by a large number of events wherein the prediction of future market dynamics is challenging. The investors’ etiquettes towards stock market may demand the need of studying various associated factors and extract the useful information for reliable forecasting. Fusion can be considered as an approach to integrate data or characteristics, in general, and enhance the prediction based on the combinational approach that can aid each other. We conduct a systematic approach to present a survey for the years 2011–2020 by considering articles that have used fusion techniques for various stock market applications and broadly categorize them into information fusion, feature fusion, and model fusion. The major applications of stock market include stock price and trend prediction, risk analysis and return forecasting, index prediction, as well as portfolio management. We also provide an infographic overview of fusion in stock market prediction and extend our survey for other finely addressed financial prediction problems. Based on our surveyed articles, we provide potential future directions and concluding remarks on the significance of applying fusion in stock market.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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