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Title: 6G-enabled Edge Intelligence for Ultra -Reliable Low Latency Applications: Vision and Mission
Authors: Gupta, Rajesh
Reebadiya, Dakshita
Tanwar, Sudeep
Keywords: Edge intelligence
Ultra-reliable low-latency
Internet of drones
Holographic communication
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The increasing demand for automation and instant solution leads the technological world towards massive applications such as the Internet of drones, Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), border surveillance, telesurgery, and Augmented Reality (AR), which requires a vast upgrade in technology with improved processing and computation capabilities. The Centralized Cloud Server (CCS) provides the facility to compute critical tasks at the central data server, but it consumes more time due to the distance between CSS and edge device. In this article, we discuss the advantages of edge computing over cloud computing to overcome latency and reliability issues in critical applications. Moreover, the idea of processing and analyzing massive applications at the edge comes up with the requirement of building intelligence at the edge to compute complex tasks within a negligible time. Edge intelligence offers intelligence at the edge to process large datasets for critical computations and to overcome storage issues. Also, the performance tolerant connectivity and low-speed rate issues with 4G and 5G can be solved using a 6G wireless network. The 6G connected edge intelligence application offers ultra-low-latency, security, and reliability mechanisms that could be helpful in COVID-19 pandemic situations. We have also discussed the demonstration of aforementioned massive application in the form of a case study on combating COVID-19 situations using 6G-based edge intelligence. The case study depicts the benefits of using 6G (latency: ) over 4G (latency: ) and 5G (latency: ) communication networks. The proposed 6G-enabled scheme is compared against the traditional 4G and 5G networks to designate its efficiency in terms of communication latency and network mobility. Eventually, we then analyzed various open issues and research challenges in this emerging research area for future gains and insights.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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