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dc.contributor.authorParekh, Nandeeni U-
dc.description.abstractBackground: Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease which is basically a condition of high necrosis of acinar cells. Disease pathophysiology is not well understood yet. Many hypotheses are proposed for mechanism of pancreatitis development and the progression of disease. There is no standard treatment available for pancreatitis. The available options for treatment of pancreatitis are like basically for symptomatic relief such as use of anti- inflammatory, surgical treatment, alcohol use abduction, fluid therapy to provide balance in the nutrient. C-phycocyanin is a blue colored, bilin protein derived from algae spirulina platensis, with prominent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and neuroprotective effect. Aim & objective of study To validate L-arginine induced Acute Pancreatitis model in rat. To evaluate the effect of C-phycocyanin against L-arginine induced acute pancreatitis in SD rats. To investigate the mechanism of action of C-phycocyanin against L-arginine induced acute pancreatitis in SD rats. Materials and method: Healthy male SD rats were used in the study, where 36 Rats were divided in 6 groups of Normal Control (NC), Disease Control (DC), Disease with Standard drug treated (DS; indomethacin; 10mg/kg; I.P.), Disease Treated 1 (DT1; 50mg/kg C-Phycocyanin; P.O.), Disease Treated 2 (DT2; 100mg/kg C-phycocyanin; P.O.) and Disease Treated 3 (DT3; 200mg/kg C-phycocyanin; P.O.). In NC group the animals only receive saline orally. In DC, DS, DT1, DT2 and DT3 groups animals were induced acute pancreatitis with L-arginine (I.P.; 500mg/kg 1st day; 250mg/kg 4th, 7th and 10th day), C-phycocyanin was given to animals 30 mins before injection of L- arginine.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'baden_US
dc.subjectDissertation Reporten_US
dc.titleEvaluation of Protective Effect of C- Phycocyanin against L-Arginine induced Acute Pancreatitisen_US
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmacology

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