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Title: Evaluating the Reversal Potential of Chitosan Microsphere in Diet Induced Type II Diabetes
Authors: Keshwani, Harshita
Sharma, Lakshita
Sharma, Riya
Varma, Arti
Keywords: Biochemistry
Project Report
Project Report 2022
Issue Date: May-2022
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00421
Abstract: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a multi-dysfunctional condition involving metabolic and immunological disorders, which is now well reported to be connected with altered gut microbiota. One of the major cause of T2Dis lifestyle change including High Sugar Fat diet and alteration in gut microflora causing dysbiosis. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota leads to an increase in the proportion of gram-negative, consequently increased LPS production in plasma also altered short-chain fatty acids, impaired insulin signaling cascades via a variety of biochemical pathways and ultimately leading to diabetes. There are several pharmacological medications available that are useful for treatment, such as Metformin, Sulfonylureas, and biguanides which are used as treatment strategy but it has side effects and long term impact. So to overcome these disadvantages Chitosan is used ,a natural polymer having multiple unique properties such as mucoadhesive, hypocholesterolemic, hypolipidemic, and prebiotic.It has been reported that it modifies the gut microbiota and reduces inflammation, preventing insulin resistance. As Chitosan have many biological properties which helps in restoration of microflora altered in T2D. It also works for restoring the microbial population of gram positive bacteria, thus helps in reduction of inflammation and insulin resistance. Therefore, the hypothesis for this study was that on administration of the chitosan microsphere the gut microbiota dysbiosis which occurs in type II diabetes could be restored. Objectives-1.To prepare the chitosan microsphere and its characterization. 2.To understand the alterations in gut microbiota and diabetic characteristics following administration of chitosan microsphere in diet induced diabetic rats. the purpose of this study was to “Evaluating the Reversal potential of chitosan Microsphere in the diet-induced Type Ⅱ Diabetes”. Male Wistar rats(IS/PHD/27/2020/032) were divided into four groups Normal Control (NC) with a normal diet, Diabetic Control (DC) with a high sugar fat diet (HSFD), treatment group DC with chitosan (40mg/kg), and DC with metformin (100mg/kg). After 12 weeks of study, a decrease in glucose level, triglycerides, and LDLc were observed in the treatment group as compared to the DC group. This indicated a decrease in insulin resistance. There was an increase in the proportion of butyrate than other SCFA in treatment groups as compared to the DC group. It indicated an increase in the proportion of gram-positive bacteria that causes the activation of TLR-2 and other signaling pathways leading to a reduction in inflammation. These results suggest that chitosan could prevent the progression of T2D through restoring the gut microbiota dysbiosis and its mediated inflammation.
Description: Guided by Dr. Sriram Seshadri
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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