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Title: Design and Implemented ISELED Protocol Communication in ATV using PSoC4 Technology
Authors: Shah, Pavan
Keywords: EC 2020
Project Report 2020
EC Project Report
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems 2020
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2022
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 20MECE15;
Abstract: The automotive electronics industry is a fast-growing industry as more and more manufactures have started adding multiple electronics devices which weren’t used before and market them as features. Electronic features include system like adaptive cruise control, automated climate control, a navigation system, parking sensors, touchscreen infotainment etc. There are multiple opportunities for an electronic device manufacturer to enter this market. Cypress Semiconductor and Infineon Technology both have been prominent in the automotive semiconductor companies. The PSoC 4 series of devices used PSoC architecture designed by Cypress Semiconductor and add features like Capacitive sensing, Analog sensor integration and wireless connectivity. PSoC platform provides a unique set of architecture with programable analogue and digital block which have been used in the automotive industry. Due to the uniqueness of the architecture and difference from a normal microcontroller. The need for samples projects grows through which the company can showcase their product use to the customers. This report contains the parts of my project through which the capabilities of the PSoC devise in the automotive industry can be shown. My project revolves around creating code examples and innovative solution to problems reported by customers on their projects. The project includes creating an example project to use various blocks present in PSoC 4 to create an automotive application such as instrumentation cluster, climate control etc with using ISELED. This report focuses on the projects that I have created during my internship that shows the PSoC 4 use in the automotive industry. Which later would be used by customers to understand the device and use it in their design of automotive electronics.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (ES)

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