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Title: HiPPRule: Hippocratic Rule-based Privacy Preservation Contract Scheme for Healthcare 5.0 Ecosystems
Authors: Patel, Manashri
Keywords: Computer 2020
Project Report 2020
Computer Project Report
Project Report
INS 2020
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2022
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 20MCEI19;
Abstract: Medical technology has advanced dramatically as a result of technological advancements. With the help of medical technology, accurate medical data on patients may be acquired, resulting in an increase in the amount of medical information collected. The patient's records contain sensitive information that, when shared with other hospital employees, hospitals, or insurance companies, should maintain the privacy of the patient without disclosing it. The publication of sensitive data by data providers is frequently limited to specific users for specific objectives. As a result, when the data is disclosed, maintaining the privacy of the sensitive data about the patient is a must. The Hippocratic database was created to ensure privacy in relational database systems where access decisions are made based on privacy policies and authorization tables. Purpose trees are intended to capture purpose hierarchies so that information can be delivered to users according to purposes, providing more data access options. SQL was employed for searching and constructing relationships between multiple data entries. To specify sensitive data, we used a smart contract to determine what the user or patient wishes to be considered sensitive.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (INS)

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