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Title: A key role by polymers in microneedle technology: a new era
Authors: Rajput, Amarjitsing
Kulkarni, Madhur
Deshmukh, Prashant
Pingale, Prashant
Garkal, Atul
Gandhi, Sahil
Butani, Shital
Keywords: Microneedle
Drug delivery
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Series/Report no.: IPFP0503;
Abstract: The skin serves as the major organ in the targeted transdermal drug delivery system for many compounds. The microneedle acts as a novel technique to deliver drugs across the different layers of the skin, including the major barrier stratum corneum, in an effective manner. A microneedle array patch comprises dozens to hundreds of micron-sized needles with numerous structures and advantages resulting from their special and smart designs. The microneedle approach is much more advanced than conventional transdermal delivery pathways due to several benefits like minimally invasive, painless, self-administrable, and enhanced patient compliance. The microneedles are classified into hollow, solid, coated, dissolving, and hydrogel. Several polymers are used to fabricate microneedle, such as natural, semi-synthetic, synthetic, biodegradable, and swellable polymers. Researchers in the preparation of microneedles also explored the combinations of polymers. The safety of the polymer used in microneedle is a crucial aspect to prevent toxicity in vivo. Thus, this review aims to provide a detailed review of microneedles and mainly focus on the various polymers used in the fabrication of microneedles.
Description: Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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