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Title: Environment Parameters Monitoring System
Authors: Doshi, Akash
Keywords: IC 2014
Project Report 2014
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2014
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2016
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 14MICC11;
Abstract: It is desirable to implement Environment Parameter Monitoring System (EPMS) at Industries or at our home or at public places as a part of job for our health and safety by measuring concentration of gases present in air and by collecting and gathering data it is then monitored on PC. The development of “Environment Parameter Monitoring System (EPMS)” is done by using embedded platform i.e. PIC microcontroller and LabVIEW based graphical user interface. In this project gases like Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Combustible gases which are harmful gases for environment is being monitored using suitable sensors. All three PPM concentrations is obtained by using PIC microcontroller programming and this received data is transferred to monitoring PC where data is displayed on LabVIEW based “Graphical User Interface(GUI)”. For security of the collected data so that the gathered data doesn't get leak “User- Password Login System” i.e. security system is developed in LabVIEW so that only the authenticated users can monitor the data.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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