Photographs Album, IM : [379] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 379
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Mar-2017Pratidhwani – The Alumni Conclave 2017: Uncertainty is the New Normal: A Business Perspective [February 4, 2017]Institute of Management, NU
4-Feb-2017NICOM 2017 [January 5-7, 2017]Institute of Management, NU
28-Jan-201721st Institute Public Lecture [January 10, 2017]Institute of Management, NU
10-Jan-2017An inspirational talk by Pujya Shri Morari Bapu on ‘Vikash Yatra: Svayam Se Samaj Tak’ [December 16, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
29-Dec-2016NIM - EDP Diploma Award Ceremony - 2016 [December 17, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
29-Dec-2016Symposium on Management Education and its Future Prospects [December 15, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
10-Oct-2016NIM - Alumni Day Function [October 1-2, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
3-Oct-2016Management Conclave: Utkrishta '16 [September 9-10, 2016]Institute of Management, IM
23-Aug-2016IOCL: Dealer Training Program: Project Disha [August 12-13, 2016]Institute of Management, Institute of Management, IM
26-Jul-2016IOCL: Dealer Training Program: Project Disha [July 18-19, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
26-Jul-2016BBA - MBA Five Year Integrated Programme - 2016 Batch Inauguration [July 18, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
26-Jul-2016NIM - EDP Inauguration Function 2016 [July 17, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
25-Jul-2016SPIC MACAY event [July 15, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
20-Jul-2016MBA FB&E - 2016 Batch Inauguration [June 29, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
7-May-2016ANVESH 2016: Doctoral Research Conference in Management [April 8-9, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
7-May-2016Twenty-first Convocation - Nirma University [April 18, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
4-Mar-2016Entrepreneurship Conclave - 2016 [January 30, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
19-Feb-2016NIM - EDP Diploma Award Ceremony - 2016 [January 16, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
13-Feb-2016NICOM 2016 [January 7-9, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
12-Jan-2016IOCL: Dealer Training Program: Project Disha [January 5-6, 2016]Institute of Management, NU
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 379