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Title: Fuzzy Logic Control With Prediction Algorithm For Wind Generator’s Regulator
Authors: Pandya, Saumil Jitendrabhai
Keywords: IC 2011
Project Report 2011
IC Project Report
Project Report
Control & Automation
Control & Automation 2011
IC (Control & Automation)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 11MICC09
Abstract: The 16 bit microcontroller will control the speed of alternator, power generation and battery harging. The alternator is brushless 3 phase which gives rated output. The controller will predict the speed and take action based on the Fuzzy rule. Speed controlling, also known as aerodynamic stalling in wind turbine terminology, will be done by boost converter phenomenon. When source is limited and if we change the duty cycle (switching frequency) of the switch we can achieve both buck and boost operation in same circuitry. For that di_erent duty cycle PWM is generated and stalling will be achieved. The boost converter will provide better performance in higher as well as lower wind speed. The controller simpli_es the design of wind turbine by accomplishing the necessary control functions without adding additional complexity to the wind turbine.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations, E&I

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